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Nerikomi @ Noot & Zo - our classroom

Ohhhhh yes what a lovely technic it is.

- Nerikomi -

Slabs of different clays or clays colored with stains or oxides, are stacked, folded, pressed into logs, sliced, and arranged to form a vessel. In this way, the numerous stacked layers appear as fine undulating lines embedded in a surrounding color in the finished vessel.

About patterns that are created in a nerikomi roll and than sliced up to create....
Here you see a Nerikomi slabbuild organic shallow dish & a little round bowl. Both are made of the same Nerikomi roll but used different to create the pattern you see.

handbuild bowl nerikomi technic

nerikomi in stoneware workshops

This technic can be done with the natural colors of all kinds of clay, in the above pictures we used colored stoneware clay bodies...

Here we are making the layered slabs of clay.


making nerikomi utrecht workshops

 nerikomi roll and slibMaking the layers with triangle shapes in different colors stoneware...

nerikomi technieken keramiek

Porcelain is used very much so in this delicate technic and gives a bright colored palette...
Here a sweet little example in spring colors & yes also some created jewelry.

porcelain colored nerikomi

Would you like to learn to make your own Nerikomi small objects and jewelry?

We are organizing a lovely 2/3 days short course, were you will learn the basics. This will be 9, 10 & 23 may 2020 here the link to purchase the course.


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